怪しいか?そうでないか? - cat
2017/06/24 (Sat) 22:29:03
10日ほど前にskoutというサイトでニューヨークに自宅がある方からリクエストをもらいました。そのサイトで暫くはチャットしてましたがGmailでのやりとりとりを希望してきたのでアカウントをとりました。skoutでは娘との画像と本人の画像、友達との画像が8枚ほどありました。奥さんは癌で11年前に亡くなったと言うことです。Gmailを送っても直ぐには返事が来ず、次の日に来る事もありました。以前軍人詐欺まがいな経験があるので用心はしてますが。はじめてのGmailでは自分のパスポート画像と娘との画像を送ってきました。日本に近々来るとも言ってます。skoutはまだ削除してないです。良く使われるI love youやその他の言葉も出てきました。詐欺を疑ってはいますが本当かも?とも思えてくるのです。金をアフリカで買って売り買いするような仕事だと言ってました。(私は英語が苦手なので翻訳機のお世話になってるから言い回しや、文法も分かりません)その人は47歳だそうです。
Re: Re: 怪しいか?そうでないか? - cat
2017/06/26 (Mon) 20:14:21
Re: 怪しいか?そうでないか? - mariko
おお、やはりDr. Mark Smithの写真で当たってましたね!
『これから詐欺団がどういう風にコンタクトを取ってくるか?を みたい気もしますが!』
『これから詐欺団がどういう風にコンタクトを取ってくるか?を みたい気もしますが!』
Re: Re: 怪しいか?そうでないか? - cat
2017/06/26 (Mon) 08:21:16
ありがとうございました。やっぱり詐欺だったんですね。そんな気はしていました。二度も経験することになろうとは 笑
これから詐欺団がどういう風にコンタクトを取ってくるか?を みたい気もしますが!
これから詐欺団がどういう風にコンタクトを取ってくるか?を みたい気もしますが!
Re: 怪しいか?そうでないか? - mariko
(435) 515-0674
Registered in Brigham City, UT
Non Fixed Voip phone number
e.g. Skype or Google Voice
(435) 515-0674
Registered in Brigham City, UT
Non Fixed Voip phone number
e.g. Skype or Google Voice
Re: 怪しいか?そうでないか? - mariko
パスポートの写真が黒塗りされていて見えなのですが、輪郭などからDr Mark Smithの写真と勝手に断定させていただきました。違ってたらその旨お知らせください。
Dr Mark Smith、アメリカのカイロプラクティックの先生で結構有名みたいですよ。そして詐欺師に何度も写真を盗用されています。Dr Mark Smithの写真を使ってSNSで女性と恋愛しようとするのは間違いなくロマンス詐欺師で、その多くはアフリカにいます。(東南アジアやトルコなどに留学や出稼ぎに行っているアフリカの若者も詐欺に手を染めている人々がいますが。)
Mark Smithさんは写真が盗用されていることをご存知です。くれぐれもMark Smithさんにコンタクトとられませぬよう。おそらく詐欺被害者からの様々なアプローチにうんざりされているはずです。
Dr Mark Smithの写真を使った詐欺に関する情報は以下のサイトにたくさんあります。
Dr Mark Smith、アメリカのカイロプラクティックの先生で結構有名みたいですよ。そして詐欺師に何度も写真を盗用されています。Dr Mark Smithの写真を使ってSNSで女性と恋愛しようとするのは間違いなくロマンス詐欺師で、その多くはアフリカにいます。(東南アジアやトルコなどに留学や出稼ぎに行っているアフリカの若者も詐欺に手を染めている人々がいますが。)
Mark Smithさんは写真が盗用されていることをご存知です。くれぐれもMark Smithさんにコンタクトとられませぬよう。おそらく詐欺被害者からの様々なアプローチにうんざりされているはずです。
Dr Mark Smithの写真を使った詐欺に関する情報は以下のサイトにたくさんあります。
Re: 怪しいか?んしょうそうでないか? - mariko
①ペットネーム、My SweetheartとかMy Honey Pieとか書いてきて、名前をめったに使ってくれないのではないですか? ロマンス詐欺師は複数の女性を相手にしているため、別の名前を書いてしまう間違いを防ぐためにペットネームをつかうと聞いています。(逆にペットネームより相手の名前を使う詐欺団のほうは、別のメッセージを送ってしまわないために名前で使い分けしている。)
Thanks for your warm message and i sincerely hope you are doing very fine today?』
③自己紹介に「by name」を使うのもアフリカン詐欺師の特徴の一つです。
『I'm James by name!I'm 47yrs older now!』
『I have a daughter of 16yrs older now by name Madeline and schooled at America International School Of Lome in Republic Du Togolese in the West Africa sub-region studying French & Africa Culture.』
『my direct contact mobile number is +1 435-515-0674.』
これくらいで相手が詐欺だと納得できますか? 納得いただけたらいいなと願うばかりです。
①ペットネーム、My SweetheartとかMy Honey Pieとか書いてきて、名前をめったに使ってくれないのではないですか? ロマンス詐欺師は複数の女性を相手にしているため、別の名前を書いてしまう間違いを防ぐためにペットネームをつかうと聞いています。(逆にペットネームより相手の名前を使う詐欺団のほうは、別のメッセージを送ってしまわないために名前で使い分けしている。)
Thanks for your warm message and i sincerely hope you are doing very fine today?』
③自己紹介に「by name」を使うのもアフリカン詐欺師の特徴の一つです。
『I'm James by name!I'm 47yrs older now!』
『I have a daughter of 16yrs older now by name Madeline and schooled at America International School Of Lome in Republic Du Togolese in the West Africa sub-region studying French & Africa Culture.』
『my direct contact mobile number is +1 435-515-0674.』
これくらいで相手が詐欺だと納得できますか? 納得いただけたらいいなと願うばかりです。
Re: 怪しいか?そうでないか? - mariko
Re: 怪しいか?そうでないか? - mariko
Re: Re: 怪しいか?そうでないか? - cat
2017/06/25 (Sun) 21:31:51
Thanks for your warm message and i sincerely hope you are doing very fine today?
I indeed have received your mail which thrown a lot of questions before me that i'm very ready to answer here for a mutual understanding,trust,care & true love.
I'm James by name!I'm 47yrs older now!I live here in Holley New York United State Of America!I'm a consultant Engineer & Gold Sales agent!I have a daughter of 16yrs older now by name Madeline and schooled at America International School Of Lome in Republic Du Togolese in the West Africa sub-region studying French & Africa Culture.
I love all kinds of foods being a traveler!I love playing football and Tennis at my free time!I love cooperate dressing more though i wear Jean and sweat-shirt too!And my contact house address here in Ne 5504 Holley Byron rd Holley, NY 14470w York USA is 5504 Holley Byron rd Holley, NY 14470 and my direct contact mobile number is +1 435-515-0674.
I want to maintain this friendship of great trust till death do path us from this earth and i will be glad to meet you next month in Japan if you approve my coming though i will be traveling to Kenya early next month to buy 1000kg of Reef Gold Bars & Gold Dust for a gold merchant here and i will let you know once i'm done signing the contract.
Dear Honey Pie,
I love you are three words that just don’t seem to captivate what it is I feel here for you as a man and a true friend.Because you’re more than just someone who makes me feel safe,secured,happy & protected since i meet you.You’re this place that feels like home and your mails makes me so much happy believing God that we gonna meet soon.I found you and that’s it and i believe this great friendship will automatically turns a great home.
So I’m asking you to love me and accept me and my daughter as part of you.I’m asking you to be mine till death do path us from this earth.
I know there will be complications and things we are each insecure about.I know it’s a risk but with you i look into your eyes and i just think any risk is worth it being together as friends and maybe husband,wife and a mother to my daughter Madeline.
My feelings have never been a secret from every intense look to holding hands to every kiss that has always been our own best-kept secret since i met you and i have been thinking of you day and night here and my thoughts in life is to meet you and have a more warm relationship with you.
I will admit you have ruined me in a way because while we have each been each other’s safety net when it comes to the world turning against us and everyone breaking our hearts i promise you i won’t do that to you in anyway my best friend.
I promise to love you the right way and i know you think it’s a bad idea to say it at this time but it's not.I know you think this is unrealistic.But the idea of us maybe getting it right one day is the most realistic of dreams i have ever had.
Because we aren’t just friends for now according to you without you knowing i'm already in love with you and i love you like it’s a mere hellos.We spend time together that is never wasted and engage in conversations in which we get lost in our own world sometimes but in all i must say i love you and i will forever do till death do path.
I don’t know if you feel my heart beating faster as you as you talk to me each time just the same way i do here.I don’t know if you feel my hands shaking each time i write to you here and in skout.Because even though there have been others of the consistent things in my own life has always been you since i met you and even my own daughter had confirmed how happy i'm this days when i talk to her and send mails to her and i told her"I have found her missing mother that's why"and i must say i love you and you alone.
We bicker like an old married couple sometimes.But there isn’t a single opinion I value as much as yours.I think we each need someone who isn’t afraid to put us in our place sometimes.You aren’t afraid to offend me.You aren’t afraid to call me out.But most of all even if it messes with each of our egos we aren’t afraid to admit when we are wrong and we come back apologizing to each other and makeup again.
I think is time we protect each other like family because every time something has gone wrong in my life you have always been the one i turn to for my daily happiness and when you don't reply me i feel my world is collapsed thinking otherwise maybe you don't love me like i do.You are every first text. And with a single word you can tell if something is wrong. Just hearing my voice shake in a way many people would ignore you can tell what kind of a day i’m having. We’ve each been hurt by other people. And just as there is a long list of your exes I hate I know if you could you’d beat the shit out of every guy who has ever made me shed a tear.
You are always the one lifting me up. You’re always the one saving me. I take so much pride in not needing people and being strong on my own. But of the most vulnerable things I’ll ever say is I don’t just want you, I need you for the rest of my life and thank you for accepting me.
Kisses & Hugs
Thanks for your warm message and i sincerely hope you are doing very fine today?
I indeed have received your mail which thrown a lot of questions before me that i'm very ready to answer here for a mutual understanding,trust,care & true love.
I'm James by name!I'm 47yrs older now!I live here in Holley New York United State Of America!I'm a consultant Engineer & Gold Sales agent!I have a daughter of 16yrs older now by name Madeline and schooled at America International School Of Lome in Republic Du Togolese in the West Africa sub-region studying French & Africa Culture.
I love all kinds of foods being a traveler!I love playing football and Tennis at my free time!I love cooperate dressing more though i wear Jean and sweat-shirt too!And my contact house address here in Ne 5504 Holley Byron rd Holley, NY 14470w York USA is 5504 Holley Byron rd Holley, NY 14470 and my direct contact mobile number is +1 435-515-0674.
I want to maintain this friendship of great trust till death do path us from this earth and i will be glad to meet you next month in Japan if you approve my coming though i will be traveling to Kenya early next month to buy 1000kg of Reef Gold Bars & Gold Dust for a gold merchant here and i will let you know once i'm done signing the contract.
Dear Honey Pie,
I love you are three words that just don’t seem to captivate what it is I feel here for you as a man and a true friend.Because you’re more than just someone who makes me feel safe,secured,happy & protected since i meet you.You’re this place that feels like home and your mails makes me so much happy believing God that we gonna meet soon.I found you and that’s it and i believe this great friendship will automatically turns a great home.
So I’m asking you to love me and accept me and my daughter as part of you.I’m asking you to be mine till death do path us from this earth.
I know there will be complications and things we are each insecure about.I know it’s a risk but with you i look into your eyes and i just think any risk is worth it being together as friends and maybe husband,wife and a mother to my daughter Madeline.
My feelings have never been a secret from every intense look to holding hands to every kiss that has always been our own best-kept secret since i met you and i have been thinking of you day and night here and my thoughts in life is to meet you and have a more warm relationship with you.
I will admit you have ruined me in a way because while we have each been each other’s safety net when it comes to the world turning against us and everyone breaking our hearts i promise you i won’t do that to you in anyway my best friend.
I promise to love you the right way and i know you think it’s a bad idea to say it at this time but it's not.I know you think this is unrealistic.But the idea of us maybe getting it right one day is the most realistic of dreams i have ever had.
Because we aren’t just friends for now according to you without you knowing i'm already in love with you and i love you like it’s a mere hellos.We spend time together that is never wasted and engage in conversations in which we get lost in our own world sometimes but in all i must say i love you and i will forever do till death do path.
I don’t know if you feel my heart beating faster as you as you talk to me each time just the same way i do here.I don’t know if you feel my hands shaking each time i write to you here and in skout.Because even though there have been others of the consistent things in my own life has always been you since i met you and even my own daughter had confirmed how happy i'm this days when i talk to her and send mails to her and i told her"I have found her missing mother that's why"and i must say i love you and you alone.
We bicker like an old married couple sometimes.But there isn’t a single opinion I value as much as yours.I think we each need someone who isn’t afraid to put us in our place sometimes.You aren’t afraid to offend me.You aren’t afraid to call me out.But most of all even if it messes with each of our egos we aren’t afraid to admit when we are wrong and we come back apologizing to each other and makeup again.
I think is time we protect each other like family because every time something has gone wrong in my life you have always been the one i turn to for my daily happiness and when you don't reply me i feel my world is collapsed thinking otherwise maybe you don't love me like i do.You are every first text. And with a single word you can tell if something is wrong. Just hearing my voice shake in a way many people would ignore you can tell what kind of a day i’m having. We’ve each been hurt by other people. And just as there is a long list of your exes I hate I know if you could you’d beat the shit out of every guy who has ever made me shed a tear.
You are always the one lifting me up. You’re always the one saving me. I take so much pride in not needing people and being strong on my own. But of the most vulnerable things I’ll ever say is I don’t just want you, I need you for the rest of my life and thank you for accepting me.
Kisses & Hugs